Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lily Rayne Interview

Your name: Lily Rayne
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
"Played by": Taylor Momsen*

What have you done that has brought you here?  I tried to steal a shirt at the mall.
What’s your ability?  I can turn invisible—but it doesn’t work very well sometimes.
What do you have to say to the other contestants?  Nothing really.  I hope we win.
What's your favorite kitchen utensil?  I don’t know . . . a spatula.
If you could take back your crime, would you?  Is it really a crime if I didn’t take it?
Name one personal item in your bag, then tell us why you have it.  My make-up case—for obvious reasons.
What is your comfort food?  Pretty much anything chocolate.
If you were a T-shirt what would your slogan be?  I don’t wear slogans. It would have a band logo.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?  Maybe Ashley Tisdale? I really like her.
What can you bring to your team?  I can sneak up on people . . . if my invisibility decides to work.
What will you miss most while leaving your current life behind for this challenge?  My mom
Who do you think will prove to be most obnoxious on your team?  Moira.  I can’t stand her.
Who will save your skin at least once?  Probably my brother, or Jesse.  They’ve always protected me.
If you win back your freedom, what will you do next?  Go home.
Do you think you would have gotten in trouble if you didn't have your powers?  Probably not.
What do you think will be the toughest part of this contest?  Escaping the hunters.  They scare me.
Do you have any special skills, outside of your power?  Ummm . . . I’m an okay artist.  Does that count?
What kind of music/books/movies do you like?  Anything indie: indie rock, indie movies . . . I like screamo and hardcore music a lot.
If it came down to you or your teammates what would you do?  Would you help them, or abandon them?  I’d help them—well, maybe not Moira.
How do you feel about the other teams?  I don’t really care one way or another.
Who are your heroes?  My brother.

*Disclaimer: The actors pictured here are not actually playing these characters. They are just an example of how the author pictures the characters.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Adrian Rayne Interview

Your name: Adrian Rayne
Age: 20
Sex:  Male
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
"Played by": Brant Daugherty*

What have you done that has brought you here?  I stole a car.
What’s your ability?  I control electricity.  Lightning included.
What do you have to say to the other contestants?  We’re gonna kick your asses!
What's your favorite kitchen utensil?  Anything metal.  It conducts electricity really well.
If you could take back your crime, would you?  Hell no!  That car was sick.
Name one personal item in your bag, then tell us why you have it.  Crowbar:  Good as a weapon, to open things, and I can use it to electrocute people.
What is your comfort food?  Lasagna.
If you were a T-shirt what would your slogan be?  “That’s what she said!”
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?  Someone who doesn’t suck.
What can you bring to your team?  I can help them win.  Nobody’s gonna mess with my team.  I’ll beat the rest of the teams down!
What will you miss most while leaving your current life behind for this challenge?  Nothing for me there.  Bring on whatever you got!
Who do you think will prove to be most obnoxious on your team?  Probably Will—he thinks he’s hella ghetto.
Who will save your skin at least once? Jesse always has my back.  That’s why we’re bros.
If you win back your freedom, what will you do next?  Find a car, and take off somewhere.
Do you think you would have gotten in trouble if you didn't have your powers?  I still would’ve found a way to get the car.  Did I mention how sweet it was?
What do you think will be the toughest part of this contest?  Getting rid of those hunters!  They don’t scare me, but they’re annoying.
Do you have any special skills, outside of your power?  I’m a good fighter. 
What kind of music/books/movies do you like?  I don’t read.  I like rock, and actions movies.  The more stuff that blows up, the better.
If it came down to you or your teammates what would you do?  Would you help them, or abandon them?  Jesse or my sister Lily, I’d help.  Moira’s just weird and Will is an idiot.  I don’t care about them.
How do you feel about the other teams?  They can kiss my ass.
Who are your heroes?  Myself.  Oh, and Chuck Norris cause that guy doesn’t let anyone mess with him!

*Disclaimer: The actors pictured here are not actually playing these characters. They are just an example of how the author pictures the characters.